Ah, the Pittsburgh cookie table—a sweet tradition that’s near and dear to the hearts of locals and the secret ingredient for a memorable wedding. If you’re planning a wedding in Pittsburgh, it’s a must have. But what’s the deal with this sweet spread, and how do you make it work for your big day? Let’s break it down!
A Little Bit of History
Where did this tradition even come from? The cookie table started during the early 20th century when families didn’t always have extra cash for fancy desserts. It was a way for everyone to pitch in—grandma, aunties, cousins, and even neighbors could all contribute. The idea was simple: bake a bunch of cookies and bring them to the wedding to share with everyone. It became a symbol of community, family, and love. And, let’s be real, cookies from ‘Gian’ Iggle’ ain’t it—ask great Aunt Helen to make her famous pitzelles instead, thats what makes it so special.

Cookie Table Setup: Bring Enough Cookies!
Here’s the thing: people will eat a lot of cookies. Like, a LOT. We recommend planning on about 5 or 6 cookies per guest (or maybe a dozen if they’re under 5 or 6 years old), so make sure you have plenty to go around. People tend to grab a variety, so cookies should be on the smaller side. And trust us—most guests will just nibble a little bit of each cookie so they can try as many kinds as possible!

Don’t Forget Labels—But Be Prepared for Chaos!
A lot of couples love to label their cookies, and we’re all for it! It adds a fun, personal touch to the table. But here’s the thing: by the end of the night, those labels might be all over the place. The cookies will end up moving around as guests sample their favorites—things get mixed up, and it’s all part of the fun. Just make sure to bring some extra labels in case you end up with a surprise batch from someone, like when Uncle Bob shows up with pro-baker level oatmeal raisin cookies you didn’t know he could make, so you can label them on the fly!

Cookie Table Setup Ideas
When it comes to the setup, think about going for tiered stands for a little extra drama and height—these really help show off the cookies. And if you want to add something uniquely Pittsburgh, we’ve seen couples rent small bridges to display their cookies. It’s a cute touch that’s totally on-brand for the Burgh.
JMC can handle everything for you. If you’d like us to, we’ll set up your entire cookie table, plate the cookies, and make sure they’re arranged just the way you want. We can even supply tiers for you. Not into the idea of us setting things up? That’s okay! You can also set everything up yourself, and we’ll just plate and restock the cookies and help however needed. Whatever you prefer!

Tulle: The Secret to Keeping Cookies Safe (and Sparkle-Free)
One of the biggest pieces of advice we can give is to cover the entire table with tulle if you don’t want people sneaking treats before dinner. We’ve been there—guests can’t resist the temptation! But make sure you stay away from glittery tulle, or your cookies will end up sparkly (and not in a good way). Once you’re ready for the cookies to make their debut, we’ll remove the tulle and make sure everything’s stocked throughout the night. It’s all about keeping that cookie table looking fresh!

Bonus Tip: The Cake Situation
Speaking of dessert, here’s a hot tip: get a small wedding cake just for you two to cut, and then buy sheet cakes for us to cut in the back, they’ll never know. We’ll plate the cake and either serve them to your guests or add them to the cookie table. You get the best of both worlds—an adorable cake for your photos and enough cake for everyone without the stress.
The cookie table is one of the sweetest parts of a Pittsburgh wedding, and we’re here to help you make it just right. Whether you’re filling it with family favorites or planning something extra-special, we’ve got the experience and resources to pull it off. Bring on the cookies, and let’s make your celebration one to remember!